It was July 3rd when Sully the dog decided to leave the safety of his home and go out on an adventure. Unfortunately, this time of year is when humans celebrate by making loud noises with big fireworks explosions, which scared Sully and many other dogs.
Sully was approaching a friendly man when a big firework exploded scaring Sully. He thought the man had made the loud noise so Sully took off running. Sully ran and ran. Many people tried to help him, but he was too scared. Sully made the mistake of running onto a busy street where he was injured by a speeding pickup truck.
Many caring people came to help Sully, but he was scared and bit two of the helpful people. However, the friendly man and other caring people were able to get Sully to a safe area, but he did not want people to touch him. The caring people called Animal Control to capture Sully with their special tools and scan him with a special scanner to get the information from his microchip which helps to find his owner. Animal Control had to take Sully to the pound for his family to pick him up.
Several hours passed before the family was told what had happened to Sully and they came very quickly to pick him up. Sully’s family took him to the Animal Hospital where the doctors did everything they could to help Sully. Unfortunately Sully had to have his left rear leg amputated. Now Sully, the 3-legged dog, is back, living happily, with his loving family.
During Sully’s traumatic experience, he seemed to have thought “All I want is to get home.”